(416) 572-5245

Winter Promotion: Take any OSSD course for $500 instead of $550

Grade 10 Courses at Canadian Virtual School

BBI2O Online Course Thumbnail - Grade 10 Introductory to Business

Introduction to Business (BBI2O): Discover business fundamentals, entrepreneurship, and finance with Ontario’s BBI2O OSSD credit course.

Courses Type: Open

Prerequisite: None

Tuition Fee: Domestic $550 & International $750

CHC2D Online Course Thumbnail - Grade 12 Canadian History Since WW1 Title: CHC2D Online Course Thumbnail

Canadian History Since WW1 (CHC2D): Study Canada’s history, post-WWI events, and their impact with Ontario’s CHC2D OSSD credit course.

Courses Type: Academic

Prerequisite: None

Tuition Fee: Domestic $550 & International $750

MPM2D Online Course Thumbnail - Grade 10 Principles of Mathematics

Principles of Mathematics (MPM2D): Master quadratic equations, trigonometry, and geometry with Ontario’s MPM2D OSSD-accredited math course.

Courses Type: Academic

Prerequisite: MPM1D or MFM1P or MPM1H

Tuition Fee: Domestic $550 & International $750

SNC2D Online Course Thumbnail - Grade 10 Science

Science (SNC2D): Advance your knowledge in biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental science with Ontario’s SNC2D OSSD-accredited course.

Courses Type: Academic

Prerequisite: SNC1W

Tuition Fee: Domestic $550 & International $750

ENG2D Online Course Thumbnail - Grade 10 English

English (ENG2D): Develop reading, writing, and analytical skills with Ontario’s ENG2D OSSD-accredited Grade 10 English course.

Courses Type: Academic

Prerequisite: ENG1D or ENG1P

Tuition Fee: Domestic $550 & International $750